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A. Raymond (Ray) Randall, Jr.

When a Mutual of New York Life Insurance agent, I provided clients with mortgage protection and life insurance. My mentor taught me how to avoid sales pitches. He considered listening to what works best for a client more important. At Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, and Smith, I worked with an expert at estate planning and annuities. Prudential Bache Securities required a stock brokers license. There I learned the nuances of stocks, bonds, and long-term planning. Subsequently, I decided that licensing as a registered investment advisor coincided effectively with client goals and asset allocation. When choosing this route for my work, SEI Investment and SEI Private Trust became the platform for all client asset management.

Each transition has increased the depth of my knowledge, determined how I want to work and what I can do to help clients manage investment assets.

Estate planning with qualified estate planning attorneys supports what I consider the best planning option for every client.

Books and people mentor my thinking.


Gibson, Roger C. Asset Allocation Balancing Financial Risk, 5th edition, New York, New York, McGraw Hill Education, LLC, 2013

O’Neil, William J. How To Make Money In Stocks, New York, New York, McGraw Hill, 2011

Pikety, Thomas Capital In The Twenty First Century, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2014

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas The Black Swan, Random House, New York, New York, 2007


 Harry Markowitz
William O’Neil
John M. Templeton
Charles D. Ellis

Ray is principal at Strategic Investment Solutions, LLC.

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